Tilt Animation

Parallax hover tilt effect

The most basic usage:
  • <script src="tilt.jquery.js"></script>
  • Mark your elements with <span data-tilt"></span>

Parallax hover tilt effect

How to Use:
  1. A tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax hover tilt effect for jQuery.
  2. Add transform-style: preserve-3d to your tilt element.
  3. Add transform: translateZ(20px) to your inner elements that have to pop out.

Glare effect:

How to Use:
Setting this option will enable a glare effect. You can tweak the glare value with {'maxGlare': .5}
      glare: true,maxGlare: .5

Keep floating:

How to Use:
Setting this option will not reset the tilt element when the user mouse leaves the element.
       reset: false

Scale on hover

How to Use:
Setting this option will scale tilt element on hover.
       scale: 1.2

Disable Y axis

The most basic usage:
Setting this option will disable the Y-Axis on the tilt element.
       axis: x

Disable X axis

The most basic usage:
Setting this option will disable the X-Axis on the tilt element.
        axis: Y