
Default Touchspin

Add .touchspin class to input to add touchspin input group.

vertical Touchspin

Add .touchspin-vertical class for vertical touchspin input group.

Touchspin with Postfix

Add data-bts-postfix="POSTFIX_VALUE" attribute to input to add postfix to touchspin input group.

Touchspin with Prefix

Add data-bts-prefix="PREFIX_VALUE" attribute to input to add prefix to touchspin input group.

Min Max Value of Touchspin

Use data-bts-min="VALUE" data-bts-max="VALUE" attribute to input to set min and max value of touchspin input.

Touchspin with initial Value

Add data-bts-init-val="VALUE" attribute attribute to set initial value for input group.

Touchspin steps

Add data-bts-step="VALUE" attribute for increament and decrement steps to touchspin input group.

Decimal Value of Touchspin

Use data-bts-decimal="VALUE" attribute to use decimal value of touchspin input.

Change Button Class to link

Add data-bts-button-down-class & data-bts-button-up-class attribute to change button Class.

Touchspin With Icon

Add icon class in data-bts-postfix attribute to icon to postfix as well prefix.

Touchspin Icon Button

Use data-bts-button-down-txt & data-bts-button-up-txt attribute to set touchspin icon button.

Touchspin With Dropdown

Use data-bts-prefix & data-bts-postfix attribute to set Prefix and Postfix to touchspin input with button.

Touchspin mousewheel Disable

Add .touchspin-stop-mousewheel class to diable mousewheel.

Small Horizontal Touchspin

Add .input-group-sm class to input-group.

Large Horizontal Touchspin

Add .input-group-lg class to input-group.
